Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I guess I'm not quite ready yet

Charles Zellar, from Ship to Costa Rica , called the other day to discuss our moving plans. He said that shipments to Costa Rica are delayed right now so we should expect the shipment to take 6 weeks. Given that we would like our things by Azure's first day of school at the latest, he said he would have a container at our house within a week! After a huge gasp, I asked if we could push it back a week. Charles said he couldn't guarantee that we would have everything by July 31st but since I couldn't bear to part with everything (especially our new Sleep Comfort bed), he would arrange for the container (FCL) to be at our house on the 13th or 14th (of June)!!

We have been concerned about packing our huge projection screen TV and some other items we want to ensure don't break during shipment. Charles suggested we hire a local company for the day the container arrives and they can help us load the container and pack anything we don't have already packed. He said that a local company possibly even college students would help us save some money. Right on!

He also gave us some tips for the packing list. He said that it is important to number everything that goes into the container then match the number to a list that describes the item. I specifically asked how detailed to describe the items (for example does a plastic container full of books need to say "35 books" or each title written out separately or what)? The answer is better than I expected! All that needs to be on the plastic container is the number and the word "books" (for example "#1 books") and then the same on the packing list ("#1 books"). As far as mixed boxes, he said pick the item that takes up the most space (ornaments, knickknacks, photos, etc). But make sure if you throw a single item in (something like a broom), you also write a number on it and a matching number on the packing list.

I like this photo of Patrick and Azure, but Azure doesn't want me to post it...

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